OpenSpace (2022-2024) AI Techniques for Testing Highly-Variant Software (Austrian Research Promotion Agency – Bridge)
StreamDiver (2021-2024) Video Segmentation and Recommendation Technologies (Austrian Research Promotion Agency)
ParXCel (2020-2023) Machine Learning and Parallelization for Scalable and Explainable Constraint Solving (Austrian Research Promotion Agency – Bridge)
OPEN-REQ (2016-2019) Intelligent Recommendation & Decision Technologies for Community-Driven Requirements Engineering (Horizon 2020 project – for details see here).
AGILE (2016-2019) Adoptive Gateways for dIverse muLtiple Environments (Horizon 2020 project): Recommendation and Configuration Technologies in the Internet of Things (IoT) context (for details see here).
We-Want (2015-2018) Enabling Technologies for Group-based Configuration (Austrian Research Promotion Agency – Bridge): Integration of Group Recommendation and Decision Technologies into scenarios including complex products and services.
IntelliProd (2016-2017): Recommendation & Configuration Technologies for the Automotive Industry (Industry Project): Application of Recommendation and Configuration Technologies in specific scenarios of the automotive domain.
PeopleViews(2014-2016) Recommender Systems based on Human Computation (Austrian Research Promotion Agency – Bridge): Human Computation approaches for modeling complex products and services.
RFID Netzwerk (2015-2016) (Austrian Research Promotion Agency (Austrian Research Promotion Agency): Teaching Services for Styrian RFID Cluster.
IntelliReq (2011-2013) Intelligent Recommendation Technologies for Software Requirements Engineering (Austrian Research Promotion Agency – Bridge): intelligent recommendation technologies that proactively support software engineers in their daily requirements engineering activities.
ICONE(2010-2013) Intelligent Assistence for Configuration Knowledge Base Development and Maintenance (Austrian Research Promotion Agency – Bridge): development of intelligent techniques that will help to improve the accessiblity and understandability of knowledge bases (the focus is configuration knowledge bases).
WECARE(2009-2011) Community-based Configuration of Complex Products and Services (Austrian Research Promotion Agency – Bridge): new interfaces for intelligent financial service decision making. These interfaces will support community-based recommendations and reconfigurations of financial service solutions (on the basis of case knowledge stemming from already completed sales dialogs).
CASA Vecchia (2009-2013) Recommendation Technologies for Ambient Assisted Living (Austrian Research Promotion Agency – Benefit): development of intelligent assistence technologies supporting elderly people in their daily living (for details see here).
XPLAIN-IT(2009-2011) Intelligent Explanations in Financial Service Decision Making (Privatstiftung Sparkassenverband): analysis of the impact of decision phenomena (such as decoy effects, serial position effects, priming, and framing) on the decision behavior of consumers in online financial service recommendation scenarios.
COSMOS (2007-2009) Customer-oriented systematically managed Service Offerings (Finnish Funding Agency for Research and Innovation – Tekes): develop methods, tools and theory that facilitate companies profitable business that is based on systematically managed configurable services. Such business can be achieved by developing and offering mass customized, configurable services with clearly defined modular structures and systemized sales, delivery, and information processes. COSMOS supports definition, development and documentation of services by developing a modeling methodology especially suited for configurable services. Methods and theory are created that help companies to manage the impact of configurability in practice.
V-KNOW (2007-2009) Collaborative Knowledge Base Debugging & Refinement (FWF): concepts for the collaborative development and maintenance of knowledge bases have been develped, for example, methods and techniques for the intelligent discrimination of diagnosis candidates and for the personalized repair of inconsistent constraint sets.
COHAVE (2006-2008): Consumer Behavior & Decision Modeling for Recommender Systems (Austrian Research Promotion Agency – Bridge): integration of psychological models of human decision making into recommendation algorithms and user interfaces.
WSDiamond (2005-2007) (Web Services – DIAgnosability, Monitoring and Diagnosis) (IST-6 Project): diagnosis functionalities for web services.
Koba4MS (2004-2006): Knowledge-based Advisors for Marketing and Sales (Austrian Research Promotion Agency): improvement of state-of-the-art advisor/recommender systems focusing on the improvement of explanation- and knowledge-acquisition processes.
Financial Service Sales Support Environments (2003-2020 for Wüstenrot Building and Loan Association (Investment & Insurance Recommenders) and Fundamenta Building and Loan Association (Loan & Investment Recommenders).
LearnIt@UniKlu (2006): Recommendation technologies in E-Learning (Klagenfurt University): effective support of online learning processes based on the usage of recommender technologies.
CAWICOMS (1999-2002): Customer Adaptive Web Interface for the Distributed Configuration of Products and Services (IST-5 Project): personalization of configurable products and services.
Further recommender applications have been devleoped a.o. in the areas of public administration, e-Tourism, and electronic services.
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